About Us

Our family has been growing and processing vines and grapes for decades.
Young people growing up in our beautiful village, if they want to, they have the opportunity to get involved in simpler jobs in the field.
They become people whose lives have been intertwined with the vine since they were little. Land cultivated by the hardworking hands of their grandparents, will also be left to their children and grandchildren as inheritances.


The vine, watered by their sweat, love and knowledge, eventually grows sweet grainy fruits that contanis the past, present and future.
All the effort, work and care for our vines, are transformed here, in the sun-drenched field Jezero, into fruits, which in our small winery turn into drops of unity, blessing, true joy and happiness.
Exactly all this, we want to offer you:

  • After each hard day, drink a refreshing glass of wine in peace,
  • In celebrations drink it with joy,
  • At your family table, let it be a witness to faith, love, fellowship, forgiveness, and joy.

Drink it in health and joy, the Matić family wishes you from the bottom of their hearts.

Our History

planting the first vine

Prikaz vinograda

first vintage


vineyard expansion

from 1941 to today

Crtež grožđa - Vinarija Matić
Bacva za vino

first buyer of wine

Merlot | Pošip | Rose